Learn about our
The Gideon 300 Intercessory Programme is our flagship 3-year programme that fully explores our teachings on prayer and spiritual warfare.
The program is designed for people who are called with the gift of intercessory on their lives and wish to develop further and is also ideal for people who work in the deliverance ministry at church.
In addition to learning different intercessory skills, such as prayer and fasting, the teachings and trainings also lay the essential foundation for pastoral care, allowing you to understand the difference between the spiritual and psychological needs of people who may approach you about spiritual deliverance.
If you want to become an expert in the field of the Art of Spiritual Intercession, our one-year course is designed to provide you with an understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of this subject.
Our Intercessory program lays the foundation for essential knowledge in pastoral care, enabling efficient support during and after a deliverance session. Our students will be empowered to do so through the training they will receive. This is most valuable if you are a member of your deliverance team or a leader of a deliverance ministry.
The kingdom of darkness is well-trained, with billions of years of experience in tactical combat strategies. How can you engage in spiritual warfare when you are not equipped to do so?
Our one-year Intercessory program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and understanding of how to combat the enemy using spiritual skills and abilities.
Here is a breakdown of the cost for the 1st year of short courses in the
Gideon 300 Intercessory Programme.
Course Module | Course code | No. of Classes |
10 Elements of Truth® | PS1000 | 10 |
Development of the Lifespan | PS1000 | 8 |
Life Languages | PS1000 | 1 |
Holy Spirit | HS1020 | 12 |
Introduction to Prayer & Fasting | PF1010 | 10 |
Introduction to Spiritual Warfare | SW1030 | 8 |
Programme Structure & Expectations
The duration of the course is three years. It commences November and ends August each year. The full course takes three years to complete. Students attend lectures two Saturdays per month and some Wednesday evening classes.
The course is available online via live video stream communication, all courses are held by this means.
The course is made up of 12 modules: the first year carries six modules, the second-year carries four modules and third year carries two modules.
Students can take one or more individual modules at any time of the year.
Students will need to register and sign a learning agreement that contains the recommended learning hours and all other necessary legal requirements to achieve a successful learning outcome.
Throughout the course, students participate in an appraisal process designed to identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop skills relevant to the Christian intercessory for ministry.
Appraisal Process
The appraisal process takes place in consultation with the teaching staff and is based on:
Assessment of written work and other assignments.
Evaluation of students’ understanding of intercessory and spiritual deliverance.
Reports from our teaching and counselling staff.
How best the student demonstrates knowledge when dealing with the candidate on the Gideon 300 prayer helpline.
Students are assessed through coursework and exams. Each year full-time students will need to complete the following assignments:
Four essays (usually 3000 words each)
Two workshop presentations
Written reflections from students dairies (1500 words each)
Homework and tests
Students are expected to complete assignments to a high standard, meeting deadlines and demonstrating the diligence, resourcefulness and accountability that would be required of them on an academic course. The course is intensive and students need to be disciplined with their time. In addition, students are expected to prepare thoroughly for lectures by reading texts set by the lecturer.
View the 2023/2024 Academic Year
Year 1 Syllabus
Course Module 1
The Theory of Psychological-Spiritual Practice (PS1000)
Did you know that there is a link between the psychological and spiritual self, yet they are two different issues?
This module will teach you about the similarities and differences between the psychological and the spiritual. You will learn to recognise psychological issues that might have been labeld as spiritual.
This module is compulsory as it is the fundamental pathway of the intercessor's development to assess their own spiritual and psychological health before interceding on any other person's behalf. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 1:2 NKJV)
This module also looks at the individual as a whole - the mind, body and spirit - functioning harmoniously.
What can you hope to learn?
You will develop highly valuable intercessory skills to assess individuals who present themselves for spiritual deliverance and be able to assess the situation both from a psychological and spiritual perspective.
The module is assessed by a multi-choice exam and a self-assessment portfolio. Upon completion, a certificate of attendance will be issued to show that you have the relevant understanding of the link between the psychological and the spiritual.
Course Module 2
Introduction to Prayer and Fasting
Did you know that there are various dimensions to prayer and fasting?
This module will introduce prayer and give a clear understanding of the intercessor's pathway as it relates to prayer. It will also provide a profound knowledge of the different types of prayer and the effectiveness of fasting.
Topics to be covered are:
The different types of prayer
The courts of heaven
The three dimensions of prayer
The five different kinds of fasting
Time and season
Introduction to the four different kinds of intercessors
What can you hope to learn?
You will understand the concept of prayer and fasting and use prayer and fasting as a weapon of warfare. Your assessment will be done through a written and a multi-choice exam.
Course Module 3
The Holy Spirit
Do you have a personal knowledge of the Holy Spirit?
The aim of this module is for you to explore and get to know the personhood of the Holy Spirit in order to engage with Him. To do so you must become acquainted with His attributes and how they function. The first thing you'll need to understand is the languages He speaks in order to communicate with him accurately.
Topics to be covered are:
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The purpose of the Holy Spirit.
How do we engage the Holy Spirit?
How to be empowered by the Holy Spirit?
What can you hope to learn?
At the end of this course, you will understand the operation of the Holy Spirit and the importance of having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. You will be assessed by one piece of coursework and homework.
Course Module 4
Introduction to Spiritual Warfare
You've probably heard of spiritual warfare, but there is more to the topic than is taught in most Christian circles.
This module will not only give you an introduction to spiritual warfare but help you gain spiritual insight into the weapons and strategies of spiritual warfare. Essential weapons of spiritual war, like the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the shofar, the prayer shawl and communion will be covered in this module.
We'll also dive into dreams and how the enemy uses the dreamscape.
Topics to be covered are:
Threshing floors
Trading floors
Gateways and a basic understanding of how they operate
What can you hope to learn?
At the end of this course, you will understand how the kingdom of darkness is structured, in addition to the different elements it uses to accomplish its operations. Thankfully, you will also learn how to defeat each of the enemy's tactics through spiritual warfare. You will be accessed by coursework, multi-choice exam and group work.
Intercessory Programme (FULL PAYMENT)
5,263£Short Course code PS1000- 10 Elements of Truth
- Development of the Lifespan
- Life Languages
- Spiritual Mapping
- Holy Spirit
- Prayer & Fasting
- Spiritual Warfare
- Course duration 10 months
- *No processing fee
Intercessory Programme (MONTHLY PAYMENT)
690.77£Every monthShort Course code PS1000Valid for 8 months- 10 Elements of Truth
- Development of the Lifespan
- Life Languages
- Spiritual Mapping
- Holy Spirit
- Prayer & Fasting
- Spiritual Warfare
- Course duration 10 months
- 8 monthly payments
- Total paid after 8 months = £5,526
- *Inclusive of 5% processing fee
Intercessory Programme (WEEKLY PAYMENT)
138.15£Every weekShort Course code PS1000Valid for 40 weeks- 10 Elements of Truth
- Development of the Lifespan
- Life Languages
- Spiritual Mapping
- Holy Spirit
- Prayer & Fasting
- Spiritual Warfare
- Course duration 10 months
- 40 weekly payments
- Total paid after 40 weeks = £5,526
- *Inclusive of 5% processing fee
Learn more about our Intercessory Programme by attending our
We welcome applications to our Intercessory Programme from all Christian backgrounds who feel they are called to the Ministry of Intercessory.
Our Open Days give you a chance to spend an entire morning finding out more about the school and get all your critical questions answered. You will also get to meet our current students and engage with them. They tell you what you can expect here at Gideon 300 Christian School of Intercessory.
These days are designed for prospective students, pastors, and other church leaders who want to learn more about our school study programme.
There is no charge for attending our Open Days.
Calendar Dates
Year 2023
OPEN DAY - Saturday 7th & 14th October
NEW COHORT COMMENCE - Saturday 11 November 2023